Sinai Azul (Sinai Grey) | Stones | Sinai Marble | Egypt

Sinai Azul (Sinai Grey)

Material Technical Data

# Standard Standard Describtion Mean Value Unit Measure
1 ASTM - C97 Determenantion of Water Absorption 1.31 %
2 EN 14157 :2004 Determenantion of Abrasion Resistance 26.5 HA
3 ASTM - C99-2000 Determenantion of Modulus of Rupture 21 PSI
4 ASTM - C880-98 Determenantion of Compressive Strenght 17.6 MPa
5 ASTM - C170-90 Determenantion of Flexural Strenght 156 MPa
6 EN 1936 : 1999 Determenantion of Density 2.567 g/m3